Hi everyone!
And here's a few styling to be shared with you by our fashion advisor, Hui Ning!

Maroon Red is a key colour this Autumn.
You could match a oversize simple knit with long over knee boots for a date over the weekend.
Together with the cat handbag that is also in trend now!
Hope Knit: $89
Ribbon Should Camisole: $49
Over-knee Boots: $169
Cat Handbag: $99

A girls' day out?
How about a simple casual outfit with a simple scribble cat tee and floral high-waisted demin shorts?
Together with out new star cardigan that was featured on ViVi & Mina and suede boots that has an insole that would secretly increase your height by 4cm!
Scribble Cat Tee: $69
Floral Demin Shorts: $89
Star Cardigan: $109
Star Necklace: $39
Boots: $169
Knit Hat: $69