Saturday 3 March 2012

DD Shop staff's journal

Look who has new mannequins!

Heh heh heh our Orchard branch have finally received new mannequins!! No, not just any other mannequins, but the ones that we have been longing for!!

With the different Japanese classic hairstyles, beautiful lashes on and of course us being actually able to wear different shoes onto them, we can finally play dress up for these beautiful mannequins ~!

We were so excited as we set the new mannequins up yesterday! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

But setting up 6 new mannequins with just both of us was not easy, considering it was a Friday as well. u_u 

Lucky for us the crowd died down a little during dinner time and we were able to rest for awhile before continuing juggling between setting up and customer service (customer comes first,of course!)..

So tired ne~ >_< 

Thank god one of our fashion advisors came down to help us speed things up a little!!

Thank you Jeslyn-chan 

Rushing.. rushing...! 

Though it was tiring process (as we are quite frail considering we are females and the mannequin parts were pretty heavy..) but it was worth the while because the new mannequins definitely added more life and colors to the shop's style and look. And of course, we always want to give the best to the customers. (≧∇≦)

We hope you like it! ◕‿◕

Oh, WAIT, before I end the post... here are our new friends in the store!!

Limited edition kawaii keychains ↓

First and second from the left are keychains while the last one comes with a addition feature, which is to put your card/pass behind it! 

Easy peasy for train passes when you hang them on your bag/purses. 

Remember to check them out